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Celebrating The House Of Orange Nassau

Orange Above: A Dutch Anthem of Royal Appreciation

Celebrating the House of Orange-Nassau

Orange Above, a cherished Dutch folk song, epitomizes the nation's enduring fondness for its royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau. Its lyrics extol the virtues of the monarchy, expressing a deep bond between the Dutch people and their sovereign.

A Beloved Symbol

The song's title, "Oranje Boven," translates to "Orange Above" in English. The color orange has been closely associated with the Dutch royal family for centuries, symbolizing their strength, unity, and commitment to the nation.


Orange Above stands as a testament to the enduring popularity of the Dutch monarchy. Its melody and lyrics evoke a sense of national pride and affection for the House of Orange-Nassau. This song serves as a reminder of the deep-rooted connection between the Dutch people and their royal family, a bond that continues to inspire and unite the nation.
